Want to take your plastic army men to a whole new battlefield?
Introducing COMBAT STORM, the definitive wargame that uses your own collection of plastic army men as game pieces and a large playing area such as a large table or living-room floor as a battlefield.
For terrain, you can use common household objects to represent buildings and obstacles (e.g. books, wooden blocks, boxes, etc.) or use the included print-and-play papercraft terrain to build your own awesome cities and environments.

Refreshing new streamlined wargaming rules
With the Combat Storm rules, your battlefield comes to life as you issue orders to your squads, by controlling their movements and attacks, in an effort to overcome the enemy and complete the mission at hand!
An easy-to-play wargame that also brings new mechanics to the table
Combat Storm takes off where traditional wargames end by using a game system that is easy to learn for beginners but also provides opportunities for more advanced gameplay for veteran players, giving you the ultimate battlefield experience!
The Soldiers
The soldiers in your collection of Plastic Army Men may look slightly different than the versions shown here, but this section gives you a good idea about what classes of soldiers are available for use in a game of Combat Storm.
![]() RIFLEMENRifleman are the backbone of the army, using their assault rifles to lead the charge against enemy forces. Riflemen can also upgrade their weapons to give them the upper hand in battle. |
![]() SNIPERSnipers are elite marksman that carry powerful long-ranged rifles into battle which can pick off enemy targets from great distances. Snipers are also able to perform head-shot kills if their shots are on point. |
![]() SUPPORT INFANTRYSupport Infantry accompany squads into battle and provide machine gun fire support which can help to suppress enemy units. If a squad goes into a prone position, Support Infantry soldiers can deploy the bi-pods on their weapons and can let loose a highly accurate stream of firepower onto enemy targets. |
![]() ANTI-ARMORAnti-Armor soldiers are specially-trained to eliminate armored vehicles such as tanks and artillery vehicles on the battlefield. In some cases, they are also used to eliminate enemy bunkers and machine gun nests. |
![]() SERGEANTA Sergeant can influence the squad with a higher sense of morale and purpose, giving them a boost in performance and ability. |
![]() MEDICMedics are able to heal wounds that have been inflicted on fellow squad-mates and play an important role in helping to keep their squad from losing soldiers in battle. |
![]() GRENADIERThe Grenadier functions much like a standard Riflemen but also comes equipped with grenade launcher attachment on his rifle, capable of launching 40mm grenades at enemy targets. |
![]() DEMOLITION EXPERTDemolition Experts provide specialized firepower in the form of explosives and are called upon to perform functions such as destroying a designated target with a C4 explosive, supplying their squad with grenades or defusing a bomb. |
![]() SUPPLY SOLDIERThe Supply Soldier is similar to a regular Rifleman except he carries additional supplies and gear for the squad. The Supply Soldier is also capable of repairing damaged vehicles. |
![]() FORWARD OBSERVERThe Forward Observer's primary role is to provide intel and attack coordinates to artillery and air support (helicopter missile strikes and bombing runs). The Forward Observer also provides his squad with a Scouting Bonus at the beginning of the game that allows his squad to take an additional Movement Phase. |

Game Features
The Combat Storm 2nd Edition Rulebook contains complete step-by-step instructions for playing the game with two or more players, including many helpful examples throughout to help illustrate the gameplay.
• Rules for two unique armies, each army having their own specializations and tactics:
- The United States Army
- The People's Coalition Front
• Rules for 10 different classes of soldiers for each army:
- Riflemen
- Support Infantry
- Snipers
- Medics
- Sergeants
- Grenadiers
- Supply Soldiers
- Forward Observers
- Demolitions Experts
- Anti-Armor Soldiers
• Rules for Special Forces Soldiers
• Rules for 4 different vehicles:
- Main Battle Tank
- Light Tank
- Mobile Artillery Vehicle
- Air Defense & Ground Support Vehicle
More Features
• Air Support Rules (Helicopter Missile Strike & Bombing Run)
• Head-Shot Rules
• Prone/Crouching Rules
• Suppression Fire Rules
• Blast Weapon Rules
• Terrain Rules covering all types of basic land that battles may take place on
• Cover Rules for when soldiers take cover behind objects
• A unique weapon upgrade system that allows players to further customize their soldiers' weapons and equipment before going into battle
• Army-building rules and point system
• 8 all new missions, each featuring a detailed map, a mission briefing, and tactical objectives as well as the "Last Man Standing" game mode
• Command Sheet to keep track of your squads, weapon upgrades and equipment
• Quick Reference Guides
• Plus much more!

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We love Combat Storm and we want to make sure you love it too! We believe in our product so much that we proudly stand behind a 100% Money Back Guarantee policy. Yup, that's right: If you don't completely agree that Combat Storm is everything you expected it to be, simply send us an email within 15 days of purchase and we will issue you a 100% refund. No hard feelings and no questions asked.
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